Connecting the Mobile Camera System
3. Connect 12V–24V to the red wire.
4. Connect vehicle or chassis ground to the black wire.
5. Connect camera trigger wires as follows:
• green/red: trigger for Camera 1
• blue/red: trigger for Camera 2
• brown/red: trigger for Camera 3
• black/red: trigger for Camera 4
The priority from highest to lowest for the camera triggers is: Camera
1 > Camera 2 > Camera 3 > Camera 4. In other words, the Camera 1
trigger has the highest priority and overrides other triggers.
7. Connect a 12V–24V trigger to the appropriate wire to signal when the
monitor should display Camera 1, 2, 3, or 4.
8. Any connections made outside of the vehicle interior should be
wrapped in waterproofing tape.
Option 4: System configured with CAMLCD-70 monitor
and CAMDVR-4-B Digital Video Recorder
The CAMDVR-4-B digital video recorder system requires the CAML-
CD-70 monitor if a system display is desired (video can still be recorded
without a monitor.) If you are using this system, also note that the four
included camera extension cables—two 16.5 ft (5 m) and two 33 ft (10 m)
cables—are different from the CAMCABLE-SHORT/-5/-10/-15/-20/-40
cables. They are not interchangeable. For installation and operation in-
structions, refer to the manual included with the CAMDVR-4-B system.