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The system needs some time to reach the operation temperature and then stabilize. Approximately
twenty minutes after the system reaches the set point temperature, the Ok led will turn ON, this
indicates that all the alarms are activated and the timer will start working in case you’d configured it
previously. When the time is finished the audible alarm will sound, there will be no error message and
the system will continue controlling the heating. To turn off the alarm, press the decrease button. If the
Ok led is ON and the temperature surpasses the overshoot temperature, the system will present the
error message, the alarm will turn on and the Incubator will stop the heating.
If the temperature is already stable, the Ok led is ON and the door of the Incubator is opened for
a long time, when you close it again the temperature might surpass the overshoot temperature and
the alarm will be activated. To re start you should press the increase button two seconds and the
system will start again.
Your Incubator was calibrated in the plant with certificated references. However, transportation,
ambient temperature or specific operation conditions might affect these calibration. If you have a
reliable thermometer you can calibrate your Incubator.
Program the Incubator at your operation temperature, put the thermometer in the interior of the
chamber throw the regulator (28), wait until the temperature is stable and the Ok led is ON. At this
point, check the thermometer temperature against the display, if there is a difference you have to
calibrate your Incubator. Turn off the Incubator with the on-off switch (31), with the menu button
pressed turn on the Incubator, the display will show “CAL” and then a temperature, adjust this number
to the thermometer reading using the increase or decrease buttons and then press the menu button.
Now your Incubator is calibrated with your thermometer reference.
Like any other manufactured product some parts of the Incubator could be damaged after using for a
long time. To replace them always use original factory parts, a list of which is included in this User´s
Manual. Always order the parts with its corresponding number. All the parts can be ordered from any
Distributor or directly from our Plant.
- Before to carry out any maintenance work disconnect the Oven from its source of energy.
- Do not spill any solution inside the camber. Take care with metallic objects inside the lower part of
chamber: could be cause of electric shock.
- Do not change the position of the temperature sensor.
- Do not use your Incubator without a ground connection.
- Do not saturate the chamber with material.
f) Setting the Audible Alarm
The Incubator has an audible alarm that can be activated if you wish, this alarm will sound when a
failure is presented in the system, as well as the display present the error message.
When you enter this section in the menu, the display will present the message “ BEEP “ for two
seconds and then the present status of the alarm ( “ On ” or “ Off “ ). With the increase or decrease
buttons you can select the configuration. When you finish your selection press the menu button, the
display will turn off, will be sound a little beep indicating that the configuration is finished.