This protection guarantee is not an insurance policy. This
guarantee is not a substitute of insurance coverage policy
provided by your insurance carrier and equipment
warranty. First, you need to make the claim for recovery,
including but not limited to a claim under any applicable
insurance, other warranty, or extended warranty. IF YOU
EQUIPMENT, you must first obtain an RMA number by
contact Fenton UPS within one week of the occurrence of
the damage. After receiving your RMA number, you must
then: 1) submit a letter describing the circumstances
under which the damage occurred, 2) enclose all other
supporting evidence or documentation that exists, 3)
submit the original receipt or proof of purchase, 4) return
the Fenton product in question to Fenton UPS freight
prepaid by United Parcel Service. Fenton UPS reserves
the right to determine whether the damage to your
equipment was caused by a performance failure of a
Fenton product covered by this Policy and reserves the
right to request that damaged equipment be sent to
Fenton UPS at the owner’s expenses for inspection.
Furthermore, Fenton UPS reserves the right to contact the
authorized service center that repairs the equipment.
Unauthorized service may void this policy. If Fenton UPS
determines in good faith that the damage to your equipment
was caused by a covered performance failure of a Fenton
product covered by this Policy, you will be compensated as
stated above. In order for this Policy to apply, all conditions as
stated above must be met and you must have the original
receipt or proof of purchase.