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Carfully read the instructions before you 

use the trolley jack!


1.   Machine data

2.   Safety instructions

3.   Operation

4.   Maintenance

1. Machine data

Technical specification

Carrying capacity 

2000 kg

Lifting height (min/max) 

135/356 mm

2. Safety instructions

The following symbols are used in these 

instructions for use:

 Denotes risk of personal injury, loss of life 

or damage to the machine in case of non-

observance of the instructions in this 


Make sure the oil level is correct

Special safety rules

Non-observance of the following 

instructions can cause personal injuries 

and/or damage to the vehicle.

•  Place the saddle of the jack only in the spot 

designed for this purpose. For the relevant 

jacking points please refer to your car 


•  The maximum load indicated on the jack must 

never be exceeded.

•  The jack must be used as a lifting device only.

•  Always place the jack on a hard and level 


•  Always protect the car from rolling away. 

Before jacking up the car, place chocks behind 

and in front of the wheels remaining on the 

ground, if necessary. Put the car in first gear or 

put on the handbrake to further block the car.

•  Make sure to place the jack in such a way that 

your hand is not underneath the car when 

jacking it up.

•  Make sure the jack is horizontal.

•  For your own safety, before working or 

crawling underneath the car jack up the car 

and support the shafts.

•  Before using the shaft supports make sure 

they are in good condition.

3. Operation


Turn the screw of the relief valve clockwise as far 

as possible. The trolley jack is now ready to lift.

Put the trolley jack horizontally on a flat surface,  

put the lever in the proper hole and start pumping 

by moving the lever up and down.

Shaft supports

After jacking up the car the shaft supports should 

be installed. Lower the car by turning the the 

screw of the release valve anticlockwise, until the 

car rests on the supports. Never work under a car 

which only rests on the trolley jack.


After the work is finished, the car is lifted again 

until the shaft supports are clear. Remove the 

shaft supports. Turn the screw of the relief valve 

anticlockwise and the car will be lowered. The 

further the screw is turned anticlockwise the faster 

the car will be lowered.

4. Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your trolley jack 

prevents problems!

•  Once a month the wheels, shafts and piston 

rods should be lubricated with lubricating oil 

and grease on the pivots of the lifting rods.

•  The tank containing hydraulic oil is a closed 

tank which usually does not require 

maintenance. When frequently used, but at 

least on ce a year, the oil should be changed. 

For this purpose the top of the tank is fitted 

with an oil drain plug.

Only hydraulic oil should be used for 

refilling. Do not use engine or brake fluid.

Summary of Contents for TJM1008

Page 1: ...inal instructions 02 bersetzung der Originalbetriebsanleitung 04 Vertaling van de oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing 06 Traduction de la notice originale 08 Traducci n del manual original 10 Tradu o d...

Page 2: ...tal For your own safety before working or crawling underneath the car jack up the car and support the shafts Before using the shaft supports make sure they are in good condition 3 Operation Lifting Tu...

Page 3: ...lifts as far as half the maximum height Not enough oil in the tank Refill oil 3 Trolley jack comes down after lifting Defective or dirty valve Change or clean valve Defective piston packing Change pa...

Page 4: ...unter das Fahrzeug gegriffen werden muss Nach dem Anheben m ssen die Achsst tzen aufgestellt werden um Sicherheit zu leisten Kontrollieren Sie die Achsst tzen auf Tauglichkeit hin bevor sie benutzt we...

Page 5: ...unter Die Luft wird nun entweichen Wiederholen Sie eventuell diese Handlung 2 Heber hebt nur bis zur H lfte der H he Zu wenig l im Vorratsbeh lter l nachf llen 3 Heber sinkt nach dem Heben Defektes od...

Page 6: ...en hand onder de auto bevindt De krik mag niet schuin worden neergezet Voordat u onder de auto kruipt of werkt moet nadat de auto op de juiste hoogte gekrikt is eerst assteunen worden aangebracht om v...

Page 7: ...t zal nu verdwijnen Eventueel deze handeling herhalen 2 Krik heft slechts tot de helft van de hoogte Te weinig olie in de voorraadtank Olie bijvullen 3 Krik zakt na het heffen Defekt of vervuild venti...

Page 8: ...u il ne se trouve pas une main sous la voiture au moment o celle ci est soulev e par le cric Le cric ne doit pas tre plac de biais Avant de vous glisser ou de travailler sous la voiture apr s que cell...

Page 9: ...i n cessaire 2 Le cric ne soul ve qu moiti Trop peu d huile dans le r servoir Remplir d huile 3 Le cric descend apr s le soul vement Soupape d fectueuse ou bouch e Remplacer ou nettoyer la soupape Bou...

Page 10: ...nte Despu s de haber elevado el autom vil hasta la altura correcta y antes de deslizarse debajo del coche coloque los soportes de eje Controle que los soportes de eje sean lo bastante s lidos antes de...

Page 11: ...necesario repita el procedimiento 2 El gato s lo se eleva hasta la mitad del recorrido Poco aceite en el tanque de reserva A ada aceite 3 El gato desciende despu s de elevarlo V lvula defectuosa o su...

Page 12: ...baixo do carro O macaco n o deve ser colocado numa posi o inclinada Antes de trabalhar ou permanecer debaixo do carro ap s ter levantado o carro at a altura correcta devem ser colocados apoios nos eix...

Page 13: ...ente O ar desaparecer Eventualmente repetir este movimento 2 O macaco levanta s at metade da altura Falta de leo no tanque Adicionar leo 3 O macaco volta a descer depois de levantar V lvula deficiente...

Page 14: ...levata dal cric Il cric non deve essere piazzato di sbiego Prima di introdurvi o di lavorare sotto la macchina dopo che questa sia stata alzata con il cric all altezza desiderata bisogna prima metterv...

Page 15: ...saria 2 Il cric si solleva solo a met Troppo poco olio nel serbatoio Riempirlo d olio 3 Il cric scende dopo aver sollevato la macchina Valvola difettosa o tappata Rimpiazzare o pulire la valvola Imbot...

Page 16: ...Kontrollera att lyften r horisontal F r din egen s kerhet innan arbete eller krypning under bilen lyft upp bilen och st d bilen p knektar Innan anv ndning av st dknektarna kontrollera att de r i bra s...

Page 17: ...s maximala Inte tillr ckligt med olja i tanken Fyll p med olja 3 Vagnlyften kommer ner efter upplyftning Defekt eller smutsig ventil Byt eller reng r ventil Byt kolvpackning Byt packning 4 Vagnlyften...

Page 18: ...y skentely tai auton alle ry mimist nosta auto turvallisuussyist yl s ja tue akselit Varmista ett akselituet ovat hyv ss kunnossa ennen niiden k ytt 3 K ytt Nostaminen K nn s nt venttiilin ruuvia my t...

Page 19: ...aessa toista toimenpide 2 Ty nt tunkki nostaa vain puoleenv liin enimm isnostokorkeudesta S ili ss ei ole riitt v sti ljy Lis ljy 3 Ty nt tunkki tulee nostamisen j lkeen alas Venttiili viallinen tai l...

Page 20: ...ket opp Sjekk at jekken er horisontal For Deres egen sikkerhet f r arbeidet eller f r krype under bilen jekk opp bilen og st tt akslingene F r bruk av akslingsst ttene sjekk at de er i et godt forhold...

Page 21: ...angt som halvdel av maksimumsh yden Ikke nok olje i tanken Fyll p olje 3 Etter l fting kommer trallejekken ned Mangelfull eller skitten ventil Skift eller rengj r ventilen Mangelfull stempelinnpakning...

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Page 23: ...raften l fter kun s langt som halv h jden af den maksimale Ikke tilstr kkelig olie i tanken Fyld p olien igen 3 Vogn donkraften kommer ned efter opl ftning Defekt eller snavset ventil Skift eller reng...

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Page 25: elj r st t bbsz r is megism telheti 2 Az emel csak az emel si magass g fel ig emel fel Kev s az olaj a tart lyban T lts n olajt a tart lyba 3 Felemel s ut n az emel leereszt A szelep rossz vagy els...

Page 26: ...lastn bezpe nost p i pr ci nebo pohybu pod vozidlem je nutno automobil nejd ve zvednout a podlo it n pravu P ed pou it m podlo ek n pravy se p esv d te zda jsou tyto v dobr m stavu 3 Pou it Zved n Oto...

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