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Ref. #2278
The main dryer panel will require a 1200amp 480V 3phase 60hz supply to the main disconnect.
Refer to drawing 2270-300-E-001.
1. The main heater on the dryer itself requires 6X117KW feeds from the main dryer panel.
Please refer to the single line diagram 2270-300-E-001.
2. The tube vibrator feeder requires a main power feed refer to 2270-300-E-001
3. Run a separate 120V 15 Amp feed to Fuse 10 in the panel for the main control circuits.
See drawing 2270-300-E-001, 2270-300-E-310.
4. The main motor for the drum rotation is to be connected to the VFD labled Drive Motor.
The rotation for this motor must have the drive chain in tension at the top of the drum at
all times.
5. The fan motor for the main inlet air must be connected to the VFD labled Fan Motor.
Please refer to the rotation arrows on the fan and motor for proper rotation.
6. Field install the Stack Light system close to the dryer. This will allow the system to warn
the users that the unit is starting up or has a fault.
7. Install the level sensor on the bracket. Ferrex Engineering will calibrate the level sensor
at startup.
8. Install the supplied Thermal Couples (TS3, TS8, (TS5 Moisture sensor)) and wire them
back to the PLC cards as per the electrical drawing package included in the specification
TS1,2, are on the main heater. Refer to drawing 2243-400-P-001
9. Wire the analog singal cable from the moisture sensor back to the dryer panel PLC as per
the electrical drawing package.
10. Refer to 2270-300-E-330 for N.F System ESTOP integration to the dryer panel.
11. The dryer panel will require an Ethernet communication from the business network (the
main internet source). Please follow the network diagram provided in the drawing