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Ref. #2278
7. Primary Heater:- check heater bundle for any sign of buildup of foreign materials. If
buildup is noted, clean the elements. Check over-tempthermcouple to ensure it is properly
secured to element. If the thermocouple is removed for any reason, it must be re-
attached to the same element in the same location.
8. Primary Heater:- When bolting the heater into plae, proper tightening procedures and
torque must be used to ensure proper seating of the gasket.
9. Primary Heater:- Reconnect conduit and wires using care to reconnect to the proper
10. Primary Heater:- Close housing cover using new gasket if necessary.
11. Primary Heater:- When re-starting the heater, monitor for leaks.
12. Secondary Heater:- Open terminal housing and ensure it is dry and clean.
13. Secondary Heater:- Check the resistance between each circuit leg and ground. If reading
less than one megohm, contact us.
14. Secondary Heater:- Check all terminals for damage and to ensure that all terminals are
tight and secure. Care should be taken not to overtighten terminals.
15. Secondary Heater:- Check enclosure gasket and replace if damaged.
16. Secondary Heater:- Not the position of the over-temp thermocouple. This is marked on
the heater flange. Remove bolts from heater and pull heater bundle. Care must be taken
in removing the bundle not to damage elements.
17. Secondary Heater:- check heater bundle for any sign of buildup of foreign materials. If
buildup is noted, clean the elements. Check over-tempthermcouple to ensure it is properly
secured to element. If the thermocouple is removed for any reason, it must be re-
attached to the same element in the same location.
18. Secondary Heater:- When bolting the heater into place, proper tightening procedures and
torque must be used to ensure proper seating of the gasket.
19. Secondary Heater:- Reconnect conduit and wires using care to reconnect to the proper
20. Seconday Heater:- Close housing cover using new gasket if necessary.
21. Secondry Heater:- When re-starting the heater, monitor for leaks.
22. Baghouse:- Record pulse duration.