4.4.7. To program the MATRIX 6 control box
Adjustments, configurations and operating modes are selected through switches, jumpers
and potentiometers inserted on the main motherboard.
P1 : To adjust maximum operating time: between 1 and 90 sec.
P2 : To adjust waiting time for automatic go down: between 1
and 90 sec.
P3 : To adjust break connection to the stop: between 0 and 1 sec.
Note: switch in up position is considered as ON
1- To activate traffic light or flash light
2- To activate present man
3- To activate automatic go down
4- To activate the magnetic loop
5- To activate the 3º micro switch of the end-run
to disconnect previous photocell.
In OFF position the frequency inverter function is
activated (It must be installed).
Note: Bridge done is considered as activated (ON)
· J1 : AUT/MAN : AUT = Open push button MAN = Alternative push button · J2
: Standard / Frequency Inverter Mode