Pegasus F2 N T
2.6 Connection to the fl ue
The diameter of the fl ue connection pipe must not be less than that of the connection on the
anti-backfl ow device. Starting from the anti-backfl ow device it must have a vertical section at least
50 cm long. Current standards must be complied with regarding the dimensioning and installation
of the fl ues and connection pipe.
The diameters of the anti-backfl ow device collars are given in the table of fi g. 5.
Any additional sensitive elements of the system’s control
and safety devices, temperature sensor, pressure
switch, thermostat bulb, etc., must be located on the
delivery pipe within 40 cm. of the rear wall of the boiler
casing (see Fig. 10).
max. 40 cm
System delivery
System return
Fig. 10