CyberCat 254/1016 Operation Manual
UL S2203
Rev 6, 09/2015
P/N: 06-326-2
If the peripheral type is set to “Fire-Phone Int”, additional diagnostic screens become available that allows you
to view the status of the System Sensor Loop (Series 500), as well as the supplemental fire-phone cards (4
total). From the Peripheral Diagnostics screen, press the +/- buttons to select the peripheral address for the
fire-phone interface:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
A D R : 0 3 S U P : 0 0 M A X : 0 0
T Y P E : F I R E - P H O N E I N T
C O M M A N D S S E N T : 0 0 0 0 0
C O M M A N D S R C V D : 0 0 0 0 0
Exhibit 5-14: Fire-Phone Diagnostics Screen
With the address selected, press the F1 button to display the System Sensor loop diagnostics screen:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
F I R E - P H O N E I N T E R F 0 3
A + : 2 1 5 A - : 0 0 0 S H : 2 1 8
M O D U L E : 0 1 S U P V A L : 4 4
C O N D I T I O N : O N T O R I S E R
Exhibit 5-15: System Sensor Loop Diagnostics Screen
Row A – Displays “FIRE-PHONE INTERF” and the address of the peripheral device.
Row B (A+) - Displays the analog to digital conversion values from the supervision of the series
500 loop, positive terminal. If the wire is attached correctly, the value shown should be above
200. A value below 90 indicates an open condition.
Row B (A-) - Displays the analog to digital conversion values from the supervision of the series
500 loop, negative terminal. If the wire is attached correctly, the value shown should be below
20. A value above 090 indicates an open condition.
Row B (SH) - Displays the short circuit detection value for the series 500 loop. A normal value is
above 160. A value below 90 indicates a short condition. At this point the interface shuts down
the series 500 loop.
Row C (MODULE) – Allows selection of any of the fire-phone module addresses connected to the
series 500 loop (1-99).
Row C (SUP VAL) – Displays the supervision value recorded from the fire-phone module. This
value is used by the CyberCat to determine the condition of the module.
Row D - Displays the condition of the selected fire-phone module based on the supervision value
shown in Row C.
“MISSING” – module is not present on the loop (SUP VAL below 3). CyberCat panel will record a
trouble event.
“NORMAL” – module is reporting its phone terminals as normal (SUP VAL 3 – 7)
“PHONE TRBL” – module is reporting an open or shorted condition on its phone terminals (SUP VAL 8
– 12). CyberCat panel will record a trouble event.
“OFF HOOK” – module is reporting that the phone has been attached to its phone terminals (SUP VAL
13 – 18).
“ONTO RISER” – module has been connected to the phone riser (SUP VAL 44).
“NOT POLLED” – module is not being polled.
“BAD DEVICE” –module is reporting a SUP VAL other than what is described above (SUP VAL 19 –
Summary of Contents for CyberCat 1016
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