MEGA SD - Cod.197DD8100
From the diagnostics menu, it is possible to check functioning of the INPuTS, OuTPuTS and the direction of rotation of the
compressor and fan. It is also possible to read the log of faults that have occurred on the compressor.
These diagnostic functions should be used only by expert personnel with in-depht knowledge of the compressor
and how this operates.
• Diagnostic TEST
To run the diagnostic TEST, comply with all the safety rules.
When carrying out the test, certain parts of the machine are powered (control coils) and rotating parts are activated
(motor, compressor, fari). The operator-must therefore take a!l the necessary precautions during these checks.
• Error messages
The control unit saves all the faults that have occurred and which have caused stoppage of the machine (alarms). The following
data are save for each error message:
- Type of error (alarm).
- Time day, date on which the alarm occurred.
- Total hours and hours of load run when the fault occurred.
These indications are displayed cyclically on the third and fourth lines of the display.