Ing.O.Fiorentini s.p.a
administrative headquarters
50033 Piancaldoli (FI) via Piancaldoli 1896 Firenzuola tel +39 0558173610 - fax +39 055817144 50033
Pietramala (FI) via pietramala 70/B tel +39 055813447 - fax +39 055813504 40024
Castel San Pietro (BO) via Cà Bianca 231/C tel +39 051941743 - fax +39 0516942400
20132 Milano via Palmanova 211/A tel +39 0227207783 - fax +39 022592779 00012
Guidonia Montecelio ( Roma ) via Bruno Pontecorvo 20 tel +39 0774357184 - fax +39 0774353419
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage or injury caused by:
The improper use of the machine or its use by unauthorised or unskilled personnel to carry out certain tasks
and/or during training courses.
The machine being used in a manner that does not conform to national safety and accident prevention
The disabling or removal of safety devices installed on the machine.
The improper installation and / or connection to the intended power supplies (power supply defects).
The lack of or inadequate preventive maintenance.
Making modifications to or carrying out unauthorised work on the machine.
The use of non-original or unsuitable spare parts.
The total or partial failure to comply with the instructions provided.
Exceptional conditions.
To make it easier to look up and read about the subjects of interest, refer to the table of contents at the beginning of
the manual.
This manual has been written by the manufacturer and is an integral part of the product. As such, it should be kept
safely for the entire service life of the machine until it is demolished.
The customer must make sure that operators have read or are familiar with the contents of this manual and that they
strictly follow the instructions provided.
The only way to obtain the best results in terms of safety, performance, efficiency and durability of your product is to
always comply with the instructions provided in this manual.
Failure to comply with these instructions may cause injury to persons or damage to the machine, the surface that is
being cleaned and to the environment. Under no circumstances can such injuries or damage be attributed to the