Operation Instructions
Chain Tensioning Bolts: Allows for tightening the Chain or adjustment from side to
side. Make sure when tightening only to adjust the same amount for both Bolts,
otherwise the sprocket will be misaligned.
Note: Tightening the right Bolt only will pull the right side of the crank assembly
toward you, tightening the left will pull the left side toward you. Use this feature to
realign the rear with the front sprocket if needed or when changing to a new chain.
E820 Control Arm
Crank arm Bolts: Loosen
all 8 Bolts slightly before
adjusting/tightening the
Inspection plate: Open to
check chain tension.
Warning: Do not check
chain tension by hand!
Adjuster Knob: Loosen to al-
low the Control Arm to travel
through 90 degrees of travel.
Note the Telescoping Tube is
gas assisted.
Tighten securely when desired
workout position is reached.