take a very long time. For instance, if the exposure setting is set to 180 sec-
onds, and you are going to average 8 dark frames, it will take 24 minutes to
take all of the required dark frames. Dark frames should also be taken with
the image sensor at the same temperature that the final picture will be taken
with. If using the TEC cooler on the camera, let the sensor stabilize at its final
temperature setting before taking the Dark frames.
6) Setup for the flat frame exposures by evenly illuminating the image sensor on
the camera and selecting an appropriate exposure setting. It is best to select
an exposure time that puts most of the pixels in the histogram graph at the 1/3
point between black and white.
7) Enter the number of frames to average for the Master Flat Frame and then
press the
Take Flat
10) Optionally save any of the calibration frames to your disk.
When all of the calibration frames have been collected, you can begin taking the actual
fishcamp engineering
Guide Camera