oPeration Manual
Fisher labs M-scope
Portable Walk-through Metal Detector
U.S. and E.U. Patents Pending
Copyright© 2006 First Texas Products L.P. All Rights Reserved.
table oF contents
Features ............................. pg. 2
Introduction ....................... pg. 3
M-Scope Expanded View ........ pg. 3
Assembly ............................ pg. 4
Disassembly ........................ pg. 9
Getting Started ................... pg. 11
Basic Start Up Operation ....... pg. 11
Detection and Alarms ........... pg. 12
Advanced Functions .............. pg. 14
Diagnostic Screens ............... pg. 18
LED Testing ......................... pg. 19
Tips ................................... pg. 20
Specifications ...................... pg. 21
• Modular construction for rapid deployment
• 40 Hours of battery life on a single charge
• Intuitive three-zone detection and alarm
status indicators, on both entry and exit sides
• Audio alert with adjustable volume control
• Intuitive, user-friendly control panel
• Self-diagnostic
• Adaptable to virtually all environments
and conditions
• 100 sensitivity settings with password
• Adjustable rate alarm, transit and target
counters records key statistical data
• Ease-of-use facilitates “split cognition”
freeing operator to monitor surroundings
Some objects may not be detected because
of their composition, size, and location on
the subject. If an undetected object passes
through the M-Scope, that object may be
used as a weapon in a secure area to cause
injury or death.
The M-Scope should only be used by per-
sons trained and who have a thorough un-
derstanding of its operation. If the user of
a M-Scope does not follow the operating
manual and if the M-Scope is not set up
properly, it can allow metal objects to pass
through undetected.
Metal detectors have been associated
with EMI (electromagnetic interference)
that may potentially effect pacemakers and
ICDs. We recommend that any patient
with such a device be screened by alterna-
tive methods.
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser: www.malux.se.
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser: www.malux.se.