You may also note that some rectangular
tabs I.D. as round tabs and vice versa. Because
of the wide variety of sizes, shapes and
conductivity of the many pull tabs manufactured
over the years, some overlap of identification
occurs. Small pieces of tabs or aluminum are
often misidentified; the tail of a round tab, for
example, may I.D. as a nickel. However, most
tabs and most of the targets on the CZ-7a Pro
LCD will be identified accurately.
Continue to increase the number of your
target categories by using the NOTCH pad in
conjunction with the Arrow pads. You can reject
(notch out) any combination of target
categories. For example, if you're hunting for iron
Civil War relics, you can reject every category
except IRON. Or, if you're hunting in an area
that's full of pull tabs, you can
notch out pull tabs while accepting the IRON.
FOIL and coins categories.
If you look at the Gold Ring Chart on p. 24,
you'll notice that most (95%) of gold rings fall into
the pull tab, foil and nickel categories. So if you're
really serious about finding gold rings, use the
setting shown below. You'll dig a lot of trash and
you'll pass up some coins, but you'll be digging
only those signals with the highest probability of
being gold rings.
mode with round
and rectangular
pull tabs