Section 3 Initial Startup
1. Place the analyzer on a level surface. Allow 20 cm on all sides of the analyzer
for access.
2. Plug the power cord into a power outlet. Press the power switch (19) located on
the back panel to turn the analyzer on. The analyzer will run a self-test. The
analyzer will display the screen shown below:
3. With no strip holder installed, the self test will fail indicating “Optical Sensor
Failed”. The Strip Holder Mount will be extended. Turn off the Power Switch.
4. Remove the Strip Holder from the plastic packaging. Position the white
Calibration Circle up and towards the back of the analyzer. It will slide loosely in
the locating channel. Push the Strip Holder in until it clicks into place. It will be
held firmly on the Strip Holder Mount. Ensure the Strip Holder is installed
properly. If it is not locked onto the Strip Holder Mount the analyzer will display
“Optical Sensor Failed.”
5. Turn the Power Switch on. The Self-Test will be run again. If the Self-Test
passes, the Initial Screen will be shown.