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The FMod-AXESCTRL is a board used to control a
maximum of 3 DC-motorized axes (card FMod-
IPDCMOT or FMod-IPECMOT). The main interest in this
card is its communication protocol (Ethernet: TCP/IP-
HTTP) which allow it to be connected to a standard
Ethernet network. In addition, the board follows the IEEE
802.3af standard which allows it to be powered through
the Ethernet cable (PoE-Powered Device).
The FMod-IPAXESCTRL board works without the use of
a computer (PC or Mac). It communicates independently
with the selected FMod-IPxxMOT devices (motor control
cards) through the Ethernet network. It can even be easily
configured using its internal web-pages (http server
onboard) with any standard web-browser.
A (4x20char) LCD can be connected to locally display
information and a tra keyboard are the available
inputs to handle the axes.
LCD display
4*20 character
4 Leds
4*4 buttons
Peripherals management
http server
4*2 buttons
IEEE 802.3af power supply
Quadrature signal
This schema shows all peripherals connectable to the board.
The trackball, the LCD screen and the Keyboard (4x20)
FMod-IPAXESCTRL User Manual v.1.1