Step 4: After confirming Point A, please directly curve the vehicle’s path to
the ending point of another side you want to determine (for example, from the
starting point to the other field edge) in manual mode and tap Comfirm Point B.
Figure 3.3.13 Comfirming Point B
Notes for the curve mode:
1. In the curvilinear mode, Point A is the starting point and Point B shall be a
point on another field edge.
2. In multi-line mode, make sure to travel in the same line lengths as the
curvilinear guidance line, or the route beyond the curvilinear guidance line will
gradually tend to a straight line.
3. In curvilinear mode, after comfirming Point A, you cannot directly tap Linear to
switch to linear mode. Please cancel the plotting before switching the mode.
Step 5: After confirming point B, please tap Import and enter the new line’s
name, and then you can get into the curve mode working page.
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