As a rule, disengage the driving system, apply the handbrake and stop the engine
prior to carrying out maintenance, servicing, cleaning or repair work.
remove the ignition key.
Prop the topper with appropriate supports and ensure the blades have stopped
moving before carrying out any maintenance.
The manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or injuries caused by
unauthorised repair, alterations or mishandling of the product.
Maintain product with care checking regularly for damage that would affect the safe
operation of the implement.
use genuine Fleming parts.
Check oil level in gearboxes before operating and at regular intervals
Correct oil quantity is 0.8 litre in the rotor gearboxes and 1.2 litres in the L
gearbox. Change oil after first 50 hours and every 500 hours after.
Use SAE 90 Gear Oil.
Fill oil by removing plugs at top and side of gearbox.
The gearboxes may become hot during use. Allow time for the housing
and the oil to cool sufficiently before carrying any maintenance.
To ensure that all the sludge's and contaminants are removed during an oil change,
the oil should still be warm when it is drained.
Grease PTO shaft tubes, universal joints and all other greasing points (marked with
a sticker) daily.
Check holding bolts on gearbox after every 5 hours of use and tighten if necessary
for the first 20 hours and periodically afterwards.
Regularly check that blades are kept sharp and free from damage. Replace if any
damage is apparent.
When replacing the blades ensure only the correct FLEMING blades are used (see
figures for part numbers). Blades should be replaced in pairs to ensure that the rotor
remains balanced.
replace the blade bolts with new genuine Fleming
bolts when the blades are changed.
The bolts which attach the blades should be tightened fully and then slacked off
until the blade is free to rotate.
Coat the chrome area of the hydraulic cylinder with grease before any prolonged
periods of inactivity
ensure all warning stickers are kept clean and in good condition replacing
where necessary.
paintwork may be damaged if high-powered washers are used when
cleaning the topper.