Taking measurements and adjusting the Saber 250-A:
A. How wide are the frames you will be processing?
Measure the width from outside the left edge to outside the right edge of the frame.
(measurement “a” in Figure 11)
Locate the Fence assembly and loosen it by twisting Knob A, counterclockwise.
Slide the Fence until its edge is aligned with the mark on the Centering Scale,
Scale A, that corresponds to the frame’s width.
Tighten Knob A.
B. Where do you want the hanger to be inserted, relative to the top
edge of the frame?
Measure or approximate the distance between the top edge of the frame and the point
at which you wish to insert the hanger. (measurement “b” in Figure 11)
Loosen the T-Bar Clamping Knob, Knob B, by turning it counterclockwise.
Move the T-Bar Assembly by gently pushing or pulling the unit along its track.
Align the T-Bar so that measurement “b” is reflected on the T-Bar scale, Scale B,
located on the Base Assembly.
Tighten Knob B.
C. How high is the frame at its greatest thickness?
With the frame laying flat on a surface, determine its height at its thickest cross-section.
(measurement “c” in Figure 11)
The Carriage of the Saber 250-A is spring-loaded and slides up and down the tower of
the machine.
Firmly pull out the left and right Detent Knobs at the same time.
You will notice that doing so will free the Carriage to glide up or down as you wish.
This movement of the Carriage will cause the Height Setting Pointer to move along the
Height Scale, Scale C, at the upper right hand corner of the machine.
The Carriage will lock into any one of six (6) pre-set positions that correspond to a
range of heights.
Find the range that includes measurement “c.”
Feel for the locking location at that range by gently releasing the Detent Knobs at or
near the correct setting.
Fully release any pressure on the Detent Knobs to lock the Carriage in place at the
appropriate height setting.
Example “a”
A frame measures 10 inches
across. After loosening the fence
with Knob A, move the fence so
that the Centering Scale (Scale A)
reads 10 inches. Tighten the knob
to lock the fence in place.
Example “b”
After assessing where a hanger
should be placed on a certain
frame, the operator measures the
distance from the top edge of the
frame to that spot and finds it to be
two inches (2”). The operator then
moves the T-bar assembly to 2"
on Scale B and then locks the T-
bar assembly in place by turning
knob B.
Example “c”
A frame measures 2.3” high at its
greatest thickness. Using the
Detent Knobs, the operator locks
the carriage into place at the 1.5”
to 2.5” setting as marked on the
Height Settings Scale (Scale C).
Please Note:
The Height Scale
(Scale C) shows six (6)
different height ranges.
Choose the one that will
measurement “c.”
2.5” to 3.5”
2.0” to 3.0”
1.5” to 2.5”
1.0” to 2.0”
0.5” to 1.5”
0.5” to 1.0”
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