Reference Board BMR 481 P1E+
287 01-ROA 170 014 Rev A 2018-10-16
7 (12)
Power-up and Power-down Instructions
Power-up instruction
Make sure Enable switch is in OFF position
Make sure jumpers are populated in J11 and J12 (position 15) to
1. connect VDD and VCC
2. connect VCTRL and VCC
3. connect VLED and VCTRL
Apply VCTRL = 5 V through connector J2 (position 8). The VCTRL voltage
LED should give green light. This will now supply primary and secondary
control of MAIN and SATELLITES, as well as controller and LEDs.
Apply Vin = 40-60V through connectors (position 1). The input voltage LED
should give green light.
Set Enable switch in ON position.
The power good LED should now give
green light, as well as the Phase Active LED for the MAIN.
When measuring Vout, set sense location jumpers in position according to
the Vout measurement points used (see section 7).
Power-down instruction
Set Enable switch in OFF position
Turn off Vin
Turn off VCTRL