intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
For 900 MHz radio connectivity, communication from the wireless remote box is approximately
line-of-sight. While line-of-sight can cover a long distance, place wireless remote boxes on a
job site maintaining line-of-sight with the base station. Wireless remote boxes that use 900
MHz will act as relays to one another, so line-of-sight to another remote box will also facilitate
good, radio communication.
When closed and latched, the wireless remote box is rainproof. Therefore, there is no need to
place the box in a protective enclosure. Do not, however, place the box in a location where it
could become submerged in water.
Activating the Wireless Remote Box
Wireless remote boxes will come preconfigured from the manufacturer with the purchaser’s
account set up for the box. When the box is powered on, it will automatically establish con-
nectivity to the purchaser’s intelliRock cloud software account using 4G LTE communications.
After connecting loggers that have already been started to the wireless remote box, it will begin
transmitting logger data directly to the cloud at 60-minute intervals.
Setting the Automatic Data Transfer Interval
Wireless remote boxes are configured from the manufacturer to automatically “push” or trans-
fer data to the cloud once an hour. To change this interval:
1. Login to the intelliRock cloud software
2. Click the “Settings” button from the cloud software home screen
3. Click the “MANAGE REMOTE BOXES” button from the “Settings” screen
4. Locate the wireless remote box whose interval you wish to change. Click the up or down
arrow to change the interval.
The new interval will go into effect the next time the box was scheduled to transfer data under
the previous interval.
Using 900 MHz Radio Connectivity for Remote Boxes
Customers can purchase wireless remote boxes in one of two configurations for communicat-
ing data:
1. 4G LTE cellular connectivity
2. 4G LTE cellular and 900 MHz radio connectivity
If the use of a wireless remote box will occur in an area with poor or no cellular reception, make
sure to purchase wireless remote boxes configured for 900 MHz radio connectivity.
Wireless remote boxes that use 4G LTE connectivity will automatically transfer data from con-
nected loggers to the cloud.
Boxes that use 900 MHz connectivity will transfer logger data to a base station (Figure 5.6)