intelliRock® III– Operating Instructions Guide
Placing Loggers in a Structure
When placing loggers in a structure prior to a pour, always consult with the project engineer
about exactly where to place them. In general, best practices for placing loggers include:
• Attach loggers to rebar when possible.
• When attaching loggers to rebar, attach them to the underside of the rebar.
• Do not use wire to attach loggers to rebar or other parts of a structure. Instead, use
plastic zip-ties.
• Place the zip-tie around the logger cable, near the logger, but do not put the zip-tie
around the logger itself.
• Place loggers two to four inches deep from the surface of a placement. Review ASTM
recommendations for details on logger depth.
There is no specification for the number of loggers to use per structure. A good rule of thumb
is to use one logger per 100 to 150 cubic yards of concrete, for flat structures.
Other considerations for determining logger placement and the number of loggers to place
• The type of structure you will pour
• If you will post-tension the structure
• If the structure is exposed to direct sun or shade
In summary, always consult with the engineer-of-record about where to place loggers, and how
many to place.