Manual Glider DCT125 Crosstrainer - 51
4. Use
Fitness Result:
F1: Excellend
F2: Good
F3: Average
F4: Below average
F5: Bad
F6: Very bad / no correct measurement
The RECOVERY stamina test will only start when a heart rate is detected. For a
correct measurement you need to hold the hand sensors firmly without moving.
Your stamina is based upon the time in which your heart rate returns to rest level.
Therefor the RECOVERY program can only be done after a intense workout of at
least 150 BPM.
The metal and plastic parts of the product can be cleaned by using standard
cleaning products. However, make sure that all parts are completely dry before they
are used again.
Flow Fitness advises to fasten nuts and bolts, check and fasten pivot points once
every six weeks. For fastening use the tool supplied with the product.
To prevent unnecessary wear, the product can only be used indoors and in a dry
4.3 Maintenance