Page 23 of 76 Connecting to flanged nozzles
The face of pipe flanges must be parallel and flush
with the suction and discharge nozzles on the pump
casing. Piping must not be pulled into position with
flange bolts. Additionally, Flowserve recommends
the following:
1) Do not weld on piping while it is bolted to casing.
If welding is necessary, disconnect line at casing
and block opening to prevent welding shot from
entering pump.
2) Provide a temporary screen similar to that of the
Figure 4-8
Suction Piping Temporary Screen
below made from No. 14 mesh stainless steel
wire backed with 16-gauge perforated plate, at
or near the suction nozzle of the pump (the inlet
nozzle of the HPRT). The purpose of installed
the screen is to catch all welding beads, scale,
or other foreign material before it enters the
pump. It should remain in the line until the
system is considered clean.
3) Install a gauge on each side of the suction or
inlet screen to measure the pressure drop
across the screen. A high-pressure drop
indicates a clogged screen. (A clogged screen
can cause the pump to fail.)
Figure 4- 8 : Suction Piping Temporary Screen Welding to nozzles
When suction and discharge piping is welded to
nozzles on the pump casing special precautions are
necessary to prevent foreign object damage to parts
within the casing. Temporary screens cannot be
installed in the suction or inlet piping of all welded
joints. Hence, as an alternative, Flowserve
1) The removal of the internal assembly from the
2) Welding of piping to nozzles on the casing
according to your practice;
3) The circulation of commercial cleaning solution
through the casing and piping for several hours
after completion of welding and before
reinstallation of the internal assembly, thus
preventing welding beads, pipe scale, and other
foreign material from collecting in the casing;
4) Draining and thoroughly cleaning the casing by
flushing with water;
5) The reinstallations of the internal assembly, only
when the casing is thoroughly clean. Auxiliary piping
When Flowserve supplies auxiliary piping, it is
normally fitted to the pump before shipment,
complete with all necessary pressure gauges, flow
indicators, valves, and fittings. Common connections
for hook-up with the plant's piping are shown by the
Outline drawing in section 8. When others supply
and install auxiliary piping, Flowserve identifies sizes
and locations of all auxiliary pipe openings in the
casing on the Outline drawing in section 8.
4.6.2 Installing nozzle extensions
When the nozzles are on the bottom of the casing, it
may be necessary to weld an extension onto the
discharge nozzle and/or the suction nozzle to
connect the plant piping. Since this requires removal
of the pump from the cradle and it is unlikely that
pump can be reinstalled in the exact same spot on
the cradle, welding should precede the first cold
alignment. Generally, the major steps for installation
of the nozzle extensions are as follows:
1) Verify that soleplates are grouted in and grout
has cured.
2) If pump and cradle have been separated from
soleplates, proceed as follows:
a) Lift pump and cradle as outlined in section
b) Set pump and cradle on soleplates and
install all cradle-to-soleplate hold down bolts
with washer under each head. Tighten only
enough to keep cradle from shifting.
3) Remove pump-to-cradle mounting bolts.
4) Lift pump from cradle as outlined in section 2.3,
a) Step 2 under Soleplate-Mounted Barrel
Pump (section 2.3.2) or
b) Instructions for Soleplate-Mounted Single-
stage Pump, whichever is applicable to your
5) Hold pump directly above cradle at height
necessary for welding extension nozzles and
complete welding task.