Figure 5.11: FMQuadro routing table menu.
Routing Table (Mesh End only)
This feature is available only in FMunits configured in Mesh End mode. The
innovative FMQuadro engine provides an interactive graph representation
of the Fluidmesh network where vertices and edges represent FMunits and
wireless links, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5.11. The links which are cur-
rently in use by every packet generated/relayed by a Fluidmesh device to
reach a possible destination in the network (i.e., the routing table) are de-
picted as a continuous lines. Backup links are depicted as dashed lines
and they are not shown by the default. Backup links can be viewed by
selecting the appropriate field in the top panel of the FMQuadro window.
This panel also includes other fields which can be selected to display ad-
ditional always-on link information such as the link frequency, the link error
rate and the the link quality. In the graph, blue is the color of a mesh end
whereas mesh points are depicted in red. Each element displayed in the
routing table is interactive and can be dragged and/or clicked to get addi-
tional real-time information based on the context. For example, by clicking
on a specific unit, information about the remote unit selected is displayed
in a callout as shown in Fig. 5.12. This information includes the Layer 2 IP
address, the radio frequencies currently in use and the details of the data
traffic flows generated by the edge devices connected to the unit.
Similarly, the status of a wireless link connecting any two units can be mon-
itored by clicking on the related line as reported in Fig. 5.13. Several real-