190 Series III
Users Manual
To make motor drive 3-phase current unbalance measurements:
1. Connect the current probes to the Inputs A, B and C.
2. Measure the current of each phase.
To make a motor shaft voltage measurement:
1. Connect the red VPS410-II voltage probe to the input A.
2. Connect the ground lead of the voltage probe to ground.
3. Connect a brush on top of the voltage probe.
4. Place the probe in probe holder.
5. Use the extension rod and magnetic base to keep the probe in a fixed position and the brush
in good contact with the motor shaft.
Probe Type Setup
To obtain correct measurement results the test tool probe type settings must correspond to the
connected probe types.
To select the input A probe setting:
1. Press
to show the INPUT A key labels.
2. Press
to open the PROBE ON A menu.
3. Use the cursor and
to select the probe type Voltage, Current, or Temp.
a. Voltage: select the voltage probe attenuation factor.
b. Current and Temp: select the current probe or temperature probe sensitivity.