Users Manual
Using External Video Output Devices
Using the video port and video cable, you can display the live, paused, or
saved images on a TV, video projector, or video monitor. You can also record
images on a video recorder. Video output is National Television Standards
Committee (NTSC) format.
To view images on or record images to an external device, plug the end of the
video cable with the cylindrical noise suppressor into the Camera video port.
Plug the other end of the cable into the TV, projector, monitor, or video
Obtaining the Center Point Temperature
For most accurate measurements allow your camera to warm up for
five minutes.
The center 4 pixels on your Camera display screen are calibrated to output a
single average temperature referred to as the center point temperature. This
reading assumes the target emissivity is 0.95 and the background temperature
is20 °C (68 °F). Many common target materials, such as painted surfaces,
human skin, water, electrical wire insulation, wood, and most types of tape,
have an emissivity value of approximately 0.95. See Appendix A for the
emissivity values of other common materials.
If the target object’s emissivity value is something other than 0.95 and/or the
ambient temperature is significantly higher or lower than, 20 °C (68 °F), then
the center point temperature becomes a relative temperature only. See
Emissivity and Background Temperature
later in this Manual.
Your Camera is calibrated to operate at ambient temperatures from
0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) and to display an accurate center point
temperature (within 2 ºC or 2 % of the reading, which ever is largest) when
used within this ambient temperature range.
For ambient temperatures outside the 0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) range,
the measurement accuracy may degrade, but is generally within 5 °C or 5 % of
the target temperature.
When the Camera is abruptly moved from one ambient temperature to another,
it requires about five minutes per 10 °C ambient temperature change to adjust