ThermoView® Series
Users Manual
7.2.6. Swivel Bracket (A-BR-S)
The Swivel Bracket accessory is to mount the ThermoView® imager in a moveable position, to
correct in an easy way the pitch and yaw orientation. For a correct imager orientation, you can
pitch (0° – 90°) and swivel (0° - 360°) the imager-sighting axis. The base has a single control
knob and a split-ball lock, to hold the specific head mount firmly in place.
Base features:
Circle diameter for three countersunk bolts: 109.5mm (4.3125")
Countersunk bolts:
6.3mm (1/4") flat-head screws (not included)
Height with head mount beam:
120mm (4.72")
Weight with head mount beam:
1.07kg (2.36 lbs.)
Figure 38: Swivel Bracket (A-BR-S)