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Intended user and use of the device
Application of the device
Balancer is a dynamic, suspension-type arm support: the weight of the arm is compensated for from
above. A cord attached to the arm of the user fed through a system of tubes to a pre-tensioned spring
mechanism which enables the user to move the forearm freely.
Balancer is an aid to persons with a reduced arm function. It enables them to move their arms and
hands more easily. Balancer eliminates gravity by lifting the weight of the arm. The device helps
persons extend their reach, to grip and to manipulate, and to carry out everyday activities, such as
eating, drinking, using the computer, communication and games.
Intended users of the Balancer dynamic arm support are:
1. Persons who are disabled as a result of a significant muscle weakness, resulting in an inability
to carry out essential activities of daily living (ADL), including eating, drinking, facial care, use
of the computer and wheelchair controls.
2. Persons who are disabled as a result of hypertonic muscle tone
– likewise resulting in the
3. Persons who need to redistribute pressure and forces - likewise resulting in the above.
4. Combinations of these.
Where relevant, with a need for an aid requiring a limited amount of learning to use.
Intended use of the device
Balancer is a medical device. Balancer can be used on one or both sides. The device can be mounted
on a wheelchair, a chair or on a mobile base, as required. Due to its well-thought-out design and use
of high-quality materials, it offers easy, unimpeded use.
Balancer can be actively used in all sorts of settings: at home, at school or in the workplace, in an
institution or outdoors.
Because of the risk of physical strain, in the first instance, use of the device by persons with a limited
arm and hand movement needs to be carried out gradually and under expert supervision.
Risks and contra-indications
There are no known major risks associated in using Balancer. Balancer is a device that an intended
user must be able to use. Nevertheless, there are no known contra-indications with respect to the use
of Balancer. In order to use Balancer effectively, the user must take note of the following warnings.
The arm support cannot be used by users as a support for raising
themselves. During the evaluation phase, ensure that the user has a
sufficiently stable sitting position, and, if required, the user is able to raise
himself/herself adequately.
Balancer does not have any parts which can be repaired or replaced by
the user of persons in their surroundings. Opening up the device or
making modifications to it can lead to damage or defects in its proper
working and to the warranty being terminated.