Place the brick panel against the rear of the firebox
Place the ceramic combustion matrix onto the burner and the
ceramic side cheeks onto the matrix.
Place the front row of six coals on to the matrix, with the two
coals second front each end turned on their sides. Ensure the
coals are firmly against the side cheeks as shown in the photo-
graph. If necessary, pull the coals forward slightly to ensure
their rear edges do not overhang the flame ports. Corners or
rough edges MUST NOT be allowed to enter the flame ports.
Place the rear row of four coals, making sure that the flat sides
are firmly against the brick panel and side cheeks as shown.
Place the middle row of five coals onto the flats in the matrix.
Ensure the coals are not put into the holes in the matrix. Place the
two end coals firmly against the side cheeks and back to the
steps on the matrix, turning them on to their sides as shown.
Note: TThe ccoalss m
musst nnot bbe ccrammed ttoggether, oor iinsserted iinto
the hholess iin tthe m
matrix. A
A w
well llaid oout, ggeneroussly sspacced ccoal
layout w
will ggive tthe bbesst rressultss.