56. The LED must be ON for option 4. If the LED
62. Disarm the VSS by pressing unlock on the
is illuminated no action is required. If the LED
OEM key fob.
is not illuminated press the unlock button and
The LED should stop flashing indicating
verify the LED illuminates.
that the security system has disarmed.
57. Press and release the override button. The horn
63. Open the driver’s door.
will honk 5 times indicating the system has
Enter the vehicle.
entered the second option bank.
The VSS system should not trigger at this
58. Press and release the Lock button on the trim
64. Start the vehicle.
The horn will honk 1 time indicating the system
The vehicle should start normally without
has entered the option 1 of the second program
any VSS system trigger.
65. Turn off engine, exit the vehicle and close all
59. The LED must be ON for option 1. If the LED
is illuminated no action is required. If the LED
is not illuminated press the Unlock button and
66. Arm the VSS system from outside of the car
verify the LED illuminates.
with the driver’s door window open. Verify the
The VSS module is now programmed.
VSS system triggers when the following is
Functional Test
1 With security system armed, reach through
open window and manually open the door.
If during any of the functional test steps the
VSS system or vehicle does not react or perform
2 Verify VSS system triggers the horn honk
accordingly please refer to the VSS troubleshooting
sequence. Allow the VSS system to
complete the full 30 second alarm sequence.
After the VSS system triggers the
60. Close the vehicle doors, hood and trunk.
vehicle’s horn and lights check that the
The doors will lock in the following steps.
LED has a fast flash sequence.
61. Arm the security system by pressing the lock
67. Disarm the VSS system by pressing the unlock
button on the OEM key fob.
on the OEM key fob.
After 15 seconds the LED should light for
68. Re-arm the VSS system using the OEM key
about 1 second. During this is the
’’pre-arm‘‘ period the LED will begin an
on/off flash sequence (about once every 4
69. Reach through the driver’s window to press the
seconds) when the system is fully armed.
door unlock button trim switch.
The system may not fully arm until the
Verify that the security system does not
dome light is off.
If the dome light is not off the system will
remain in the ’’pre-arm‘‘ state after 15
70. While sitting in the driver’s sear, start the
seconds. During this time the LED will be
vehicle, with the VSS system armed and all
constantly lit.
doors closed.
The system will arm when the dome light
Let the horn and lights go through the 30
goes off and the LED will start to flash
second alarm sequence.
about every 4 seconds.
71. After the VSS system triggers the vehicle’s
horn and lights check that the LED has a fast
flash sequence.
2013 Taurus - Key Start
Vehicle Security
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