Rotating the knob clockwise will increase sensitivity and rotating the knob counter-clockwise will
decrease sensitivity. Sensitivity adjustment must be completed with the module securely mounted and
the adjustment knob accessible.
14. Starting with the adjustment knob in approximately the halfway position, lower the driver's window
and exit the vehicle.
15. Press the LOCK button on the vehicle's RKE fob to arm the VSS system. The LED will light solid
for 10-15 seconds and then begin to flash a steady on/off sequence to indicate the system is armed.
16. Using a closed fist, impact the steering wheel with moderate force to simulate a light impact on the
vehicle. If the impact is detected, the horn will honk and the lights will flash 1 time to indicate the
warning impact was detected.
17. Using a closed fist, impact the steering wheel with heavy force to simulate a hard impact (i.e. glass
breakage) on the vehicle. If the impact is detected, the horn will honk and the lights will flash a
steady on off sequence to indicate the heavy or full shock trigger was detected.
18. Increase (rotate clockwise) or decrease (rotate counter-clockwise) the adjustment knob as necessary
to achieve desired sensitivity, repeat the previous steps to test, and verify adjustment.
Install Trim
19. Install the steering column shrouds. For additional information, refer to WSM, Section 211-04.
Shock Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment
The VSS module is equipped with an internal dual zone Shock Sensor. The VSS system will activate a
single horn honk / single light flash anytime a light to moderate impact is detected, and a "panic" type 30
second horn honk / light flash sequence when a heavy impact is detected while the VSS system is
armed. Adjustment of both zones is accomplished through a single adjustment knob on the VSS module.
Vehicle Security
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