LaserPro Equipment for Arena Laser Tag
User Manual
If damage parameters (number of shots) and time for capture of the Domination box are
selected as
equal to 0
, its LEDs immediately light by the color of the team-
captor (let it be
"red"), and the team starts to earn the points (1 second = 1 point). Thus, the sound system
connected to the server will reproduce the sound massage set for the box and such event (for
example: "Domination box No.2 is captured by a red team!"). If the Domination box is entered
by a player of another team (let it be "blue" team), scoring points for "red" team stops, and
"blue" team start to be earned the points.
If damage and time for capture time are set as
more than 0
(for example, damage is 12,
and time is 45 s), after switching the Domination box (LED is white), the box starts twinkle
smoothly by the color of the team of capturing the player in case of the first successful hit. For
the complete capture of the box it should be "held" – in our case within 45 seconds – and hit
it 12 times. When Domination box is considered to be captured, the LEDs will start
continuously glow by the color of the capturing team, and the points scoring will start.
If the hitting during the holding period is stopped (the player was hit or he ran out of
ammunition), the box will return to the initial condition in 30 s: it will glow by the color of the
team that captured it before (the points are scored again), or by white color if it has not been
captured before. The box is passed to the same condition if the player under the above-
mentioned settings has not manage to hit the box 12 times within 45 sec.
If the box was captured by one team, and another team starts capturing it ("recapture"),
the LEDs will start smoothly blinking by color of a new team which also has to hold the
Domination box – to hit 12 times within 45 s (under the present setting). In such a case, the
points are not earned to previous team, and new team will be added the points only after
complete capture. The points for the capturing of the box in the course of the round are
summed up for each team.
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