Use and maintenance
Safety and prevention
The Operator (in addition to being provided with a regular li
cense), must be instructed on the risks deriving from accidents,
on the devices prepared for safety and on the general accident
prevention rules provided for by the directives and by the stan
dards of the country of use of the machine. While manufacturing
the machine, we have been provided for all potential situations
of danger and implemented the appropriate protections. There
is still a high level of accidents caused by the improper and
clumsy use of the machine. Distraction, lightweight and too
much confidence often cause accidents; as they can be fatigue
and drowsiness. It is mandatory, therefore, to read very carefully
this manual and in particular the section on safety.
DANGER: The Manufacturer declines any respon-
sibility for failure to comply with the safety and
prevention standards provided by the law and as
provided in this manual.
WARNING: Failure to comply with what described
in «Section 2 - Safety and prevention» and the
possible tampering of the safety devices, raise
the Manufacturer from any liability in case of ac-
cidents, damage or malfunction of the machine..
General information:
- The User undertakes to entrust the machine exclusively to
qualified and trained staff.
- The User is required to take all appropriate measures to
prevent unauthorized people from using the machine.
- The User undertakes to inform its staff adequately on the
application and compliance with the safety regulations.
- The User must inform the Manufacturer in case it discovers a
covered defect or malfunction of the safety systems, as well
as any alleged situation of danger.
- The Operator must always use personal protective equipment
provided by the law and follow the instructions in this manual.
- The Operator must comply with all the signs of danger and
caution shown on the machine.
- The Operator must not carry out operations on its own initia
tive or interventions that are not within its competence.
- The assembly of pieces of other brands or any changes
may vary the machine’s characteristics and hence affect its
operational safety.
The machine has been designed taking all the possible solutions
for the protection and safety of those who work on it. Never
theless, the machine may have residual risks; those risks that
that it has not been possible to eliminate completely in certain
conditions of use.
These potential risks are shown on the machine with stickers
(pictograms), which indicate the different situations of insecurity
and/or danger in essential form (see Fig.5). Keep the warning
stickers clean and replace them immediately when they are
removed or damaged.
- Wear suitable clothing. Avoid wearing loose and fluttering
clothing: it can be caught in moving parts. Long hair should
be tied. The Operator should also carry sharp tools in its
- It is absolutely forbidden to drive or to operate the machine
by those who have not read and understood the instructions
in this manual, as well as staff that is not competent, that is
not in good physical and mental health, and still under the
age of 18 years.
- Before starting the machine, check the integrity of all safety
- Before starting work for the first time, familiarize yourself with
the controls and their functions.
- The area in which the machine is used must be considered
«dangerous zone», especially for people not trained in the
use of the same. Before starting the machine, check that,
all around the work area, there are no people or animals or
obstacles of any kind.
- The Operator must immediately release the levers that opera
te the machine in the event that a person or an animal enter
the danger zone of the machine and wait, before returning
to work, that the area is completely free.
- When a person is exposed, that is in the «dangerous zone»,
the Operator must immediately intervene by stopping the
machine to remove the person in question.
- Never leave the machine when the engine is ON.
- Controllare periodicamente l’integrità della macchina nel suo
complesso e i dispositivi di protezione.
- When operating on soft ground, near slopes, ditches or steep
slopes, work with the utmost caution to prevent the machine
from tipping over.