Shelf manager CLI commands
Using the shelf manager CLI
FortiGate-5140B Chassis Guide
user passwd <user id> <user password>
Displaying more information about a command
Enter the following command to display more information about the
# clia help threshold
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Shows the threshold of the specified sensor
instead of <addr> user may use:
board <N>
shm <N>
to access the sensor on the specified board
getthreshold board 21 "IPMB LINK"
getthreshold 20 8
threshold [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
Enter the following command to display more information about the
# clia help fruinfo
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Display the FRU Info of the dedicated FRU in the readable
instead of <addr> <fru_id> user may use:
power_supply <N> (valid in 2.x systems only)
fan_tray <N>
board <N>
shm <N>
to access the FRU on the specified board
fruinfo board 21 8
fruinfo power_supply 4
fruinfo <addr> <fru_id>
clia minfanlevel [<level>]
This command displays or sets the minimum fan level. Under normal conditions, the
cooling management algorithm gradually decreases the level for the fans in the chassis
while thermal conditions stay normal. The cooling management algorithm will not try to
decrease the fan level below the minimum level specified by the configuration parameter
or by this command. The minimum fan level affects only the automatic
management of the fan level by the cooling management facility.
Enter the command with no parameters to display the current minimum fan level.
Enter the command with an integer to set the minimum fan level.