Fortress S-Series
9.5 MAINteNANce-Free bAtterIeS:
The batteries that are recommended for use with
your scooter are Gel or AGM type batteries where the
electrolyte is held in Absorbed Glass Matt and sealed in
the battery case. As the name implies no maintenance is
required other than regular charging.
These are similar to “gel” type batteries. For air transport
please ensure the batteries are IATA approved.
9.6 bAttery cAre:
Over the years, battery technology has moved forward
but, unfortunately, some of the advice given on battery
care has not.
This has resulted in a number of confused and at times
contradictory instructions on the ‘best’ way to care for
your batteries.
This section will help to dispel some of these myths and
Below is set out a battery care plan for maintenance-
free batteries. This has been agreed between Sunrise
Medical and the battery manufacturers, to enable you
to get the best out of your batteries. If a different care
plan is followed, this may result in lower than expected
performance from your mobility vehicle.
9.7 MAINteNANce-Free bAttery cAre PlAN:
Only use an approved Sunrise Medical charger
compatible with the vehicle to be charged.
With normal daily use, your batteries should be
charged every night, regardless of the amount of use
your mobility device has had during the day.
If you use your scooter only occasionally (once per
week or less), the batteries must be fully charged at
least once per week. The batteries should be fully
charged the night before you plan to use your scooter.
Do not interrupt the charging cycle.
If your mobility device is not required for use, it should
remain connected to the charger until required. This
will not damage your batteries, as long as the mains
socket/plug is left switched on. Turning the mains
socket/plug off, but leaving the mains cable plugged
in will eventually deplete your battery charge.
Do not top up the charge of your batteries during the
day. Wait until the evening for a full overnight charge.
As a general rule, maintenance-free batteries take
longer to fully charge than wet lead acid batteries.
Charge the batteries for at least 8 hours to ensure a
full charge.
The battery terminals need to be checked regularly
for signs of corrosion. If any corrosion is apparent,
then clean the terminals completely (a wire brush
is ideal) and re-grease the terminal using Vaseline
petroleum jelly, not ordinary grease. Ensure that the
terminal nut and bolt, cable clip and exposed cable
are completely covered with jelly.
Following all the points above should result in a
healthier battery, greater range for the vehicle user
and a longer life for your batteries.
Spent batteries may be returned to your Sunrise
Medical Dealer or your local recycling depot
equipped to dispose of batteries.
9.8 GeNerAl cHArGer INForMAtIoN:
The external charger has been designed to charge two
12 V Gel or AGM type batteries connected in series
(= 24 V).
9.9 cHArGer SPecIFIcAtIoN:
Only use cyclic chargers designed for mobility batteries,
Gel or AGM type, with a maximum output not exceeding
For more information about the charger
operation, consult the instructions provided with
the charger.
If the charger is not connected to the scooter, it
does not output charge voltage.
It is possible that the charger’s metallic box may slightly
raise in temperature due to use.