the parts that will be exposed
on all 3 joiners. Now glue all 3
parts into the wings as shown
(dowel and back joiner into the
right panel, and longer front rod
into the left panel, using a slow
epoxy and micro-balloons mix-
ture. Wipe off excess epoxy.
: Wait a couple of
minutes before joining the wing
panels together - to make sure
that the glue does not slowly
push the joiners out of the wing
they are glued into. In this case
you will need to drill a very
small (1mm) hole through the
sides of the tubes at the out-
board end to release the hy-
draulic pressure caused by the glue.
Now join the wing panels together, leaving a 1mm gap
in between the roots, and tape or clamp firmly together
to set alignment exactly. When the epoxy has cured
they should slide apart easily. Remove the wax from
the joiners and wing roots with 'Ronsonol'. You can
apply some soft pencil lead (Graphite) to the fibreglass
wing joiners if they are a bit tight to make them slide
smoothly into the wing tubes.
Glue the 2 front dowels into the tubes in the leading
edge of the wing, if not already done at the factory, leav-
ing only 20mm length projecting out of the wing, using
a little 30 minute epoxy and
micro mixture. Don't forget to
lightly sand the parts that will
be glued into the tubes first.
Servo Installation
The aileron and flap servos fit
into the factory-prepared servo
bays in the underside of the
wing, but there is only about
18mm height available at the
outboard end of the servo bays
so you need to use mini or wing
servos. We highly recommend
the 15mm thick digital JR3301
or Graupner 3328 wing servos,
and the lite-ply mounting plates
are milled to suit these.
Fit the aileron servos in the op-
Fox Composites Co., Ltd.
Clamp the wings together at the leading & trailing edges
while the joiners are being glued in to maintain alignment.
(above) Apply graphite (pencil) to
the fibreglass joiners to make them
slide into the tubes smoothly.
(above) Completed servo bay in the right wing with two dig-
ital JR3301 ‘wing’ servos, showing aileron linkage, aileron
horn and slot in hatch cover for linkage.