In this menu the MUX output parameters from the central unit can be changed.
• STANDARD: the modulation standard for the output MUX (DVB-T or DVB-C)
• MODULATOR FREQUENCY: the modulator output frequency can be set according to the frequency in MHz
or by channel according to the standard channelling in the different countries.
NOTE: the output MUX are not independent but are linked to other pairs by the following parameters: output
frequency, bandwidth and output level. Therefore, when these parameters are changed In a multiplex, the
settings of the other mux In the same pair are also Immediately changed. The 2 pairs are divided: MUX1-MUX2
and MUX3-MUX4.
• RF LEVEL: to set the output power in dBuV, in the range foreseen by the technical specification (75 - 95 dbuV).
Below are a few parameters relative to the DVB-T modulation standard:
FEC (1/2 ,2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8), guard interval (1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32), constellation (QPSK,16QAM ad 64QAM), number
of carriers (8K, 2K), spectrum (normal or inverted).
The “Alarm overflow” checkbox shows if a band overflow has to be reported to the user by the led on the bottom or not.
NOTE: Click on “SAVE” to save the changes.
The CONFIGURATION -> PROGRAMS -> MUX 1 / MUX 2 / MUX 3 / MUX 4 menu allows access to the output
Multiplex configuration page (Fig 8).
Fig 8
Fig 7