Fräulein Hübsch
once you have
tautened the straps
and are holding them
securely in one hand,
make sure your baby
is safely held by the
Mei Tai. you can now
reach back with your
other hand and hold
one shoulder strap in
each hand. Pull both
straps down once
more and cross them
on your back.
Now bring the straps
back to the front
while keeping the
Mei Tai taut. cross
the straps under your
baby’s legs and tie
them in a square knot
underneath your
baby’s bum.
Make sure to tie the
knot on top of the
belt. This will help
carry the weight
to your hips better.
Tighten the belt
once more, if it has
come loose through
the tying process.
Tauten once more
by pulling the straps
down on your back,
rolling your shoulders
a little. Feel along the
shoulder straps to the
front where they are
tied together, untie
the knot and re-tie in
a square knot.