Chapter 13
System Mode Controller (SMC)
13.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances, see the chip configuration information.
The System Mode Controller (SMC) is responsible for sequencing the system into and
out of all low-power Stop and Run modes. Specifically, it monitors events to trigger
transitions between power modes while controlling the power, clocks, and memories of
the system to achieve the power consumption and functionality of that mode.
This chapter describes all the available low-power modes, the sequence followed to enter/
exit each mode, and the functionality available while in each of the modes.
The SMC is able to function during even the deepest low power modes.
13.2 Modes of operation
The ARM CPU has three primary modes of operation:
• Run
• Sleep
• Deep Sleep
The WFI or WFE instruction is used to invoke Sleep and Deep Sleep modes. Run, Wait,
and Stop are the common terms used for the primary operating modes of Freescale
microcontrollers. The following table shows the translation between the ARM CPU
modes and the Freescale MCU power modes.
KL02 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2.1, July 2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.