FTFA_FSTAT field descriptions
Command Complete Interrupt Flag
The CCIF flag indicates that a flash command has completed. The CCIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to
CCIF to launch a command, and CCIF stays low until command completion or command violation.
The CCIF bit is reset to 0 but is set to 1 by the memory controller at the end of the reset initialization
sequence. Depending on how quickly the read occurs after reset release, the user may or may not see the
0 hardware reset value.
Flash command in progress
Flash command has completed
Flash Read Collision Error Flag
The RDCOLERR error bit indicates that the MCU attempted a read from a flash memory resource that
was being manipulated by a flash command (CCIF=0). Any simultaneous access is detected as a collision
error by the block arbitration logic. The read data in this case cannot be guaranteed. The RDCOLERR bit
is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing a 0 to RDCOLERR has no effect.
No collision error detected
Collision error detected
Flash Access Error Flag
The ACCERR error bit indicates an illegal access has occurred to a flash memory resource caused by a
violation of the command write sequence or issuing an illegal flash command. While ACCERR is set, the
CCIF flag cannot be cleared to launch a command. The ACCERR bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing
a 0 to the ACCERR bit has no effect.
No access error detected
Access error detected
Flash Protection Violation Flag
The FPVIOL error bit indicates an attempt was made to program or erase an address in a protected area
of program flash memory during a command write sequence . While FPVIOL is set, the CCIF flag cannot
be cleared to launch a command. The FPVIOL bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing a 0 to the FPVIOL
bit has no effect.
No protection violation detected
Protection violation detected
This field is reserved.
This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Memory Controller Command Completion Status Flag
The MGSTAT0 status flag is set if an error is detected during execution of a flash command or during the
flash reset sequence. As a status flag, this bit cannot (and need not) be cleared by the user like the other
error flags in this register.
The value of the MGSTAT0 bit for "command-N" is valid only at the end of the "command-N" execution
when CCIF=1 and before the next command has been launched. At some point during the execution of
"command-N+1," the previous result is discarded and any previous error is cleared.
Memory Map and Registers
KL02 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2.1, July 2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.