M54455EVB User’s Manual, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
5. Configure the COM port as follows:
6. Press the power switch on the front of the computer case and the U-Boot banner (example below)
should appear in the terminal window.
U-Boot 1.2.0-g4a442d31-dirty (Aug 23 2007 - 11:14:19)
CPU: Freescale MCF54455 (Mask:48 Version:1)
CPU CLK 266 Mhz BUS CLK 133 Mhz FLB CLK 33 Mhz
INP CLK 33 Mhz VCO CLK 533 Mhz
Board: Freescale M54455 EVB
I2C: ready
DRAM: 256 MB
FLASH: 16.5 MB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: FEC0, FEC1
IDE: Bus 0: not available Status = 0x60
Linux and a root file system are preprogrammed into the second Flash device (Flash1) at address
0x0000_0000. A demo application automatically runs when Linux is started. A network
connection is required for the web server portion of the demo to work.
7. Plug one end of the provided Ethernet cable into a network or host PC with a DHCP server running.
Plug the other end of the cable into the FEC0 interface (bottom RJ45 receptacle) of the
8. To boot Linux, issue the following U-Boot command.
-> bootm 0
9. The demo application prints out a banner message including the IP address that it obtained from
the DHCP server. Launch a web client (e.g. Firefox or Internet Explorer) and copy this IP address
into the web browser. The M54455EVB serves up a web page with more information on the
available demos.
Hardware Submodules
The following sections describe the hardware submodules of the M54455EVB.
Table 2. Default Serial Console Settings
Baud Rate
115,200 bps
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow Control
None or Software (Xon/Xoff)