Media Local Bus (MLB)
MPC5510 Microcontroller Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
MLB Blank Register (MLB_MBR)
The MLB_MBR register contains the blank request bit to cancel data that has been queued in the DSPI
MLB Service Request Delay in MLBCLK cycles. These control bits are used to control the number of cycles
that the SRV_REQ _GLUE is driven before the real 32-bit MLB word boundary. MSVRQDL should only be
updated when MDIS is set.
000 0 cycles (default out of reset)
001 1 cycle
010 2 cycles
011 3 cycles
100 4 cycles
101 5 cycles
110 Reserved
111 Reserved
MLB Service Request Critical Interrupt Enable. This bit is used to enable critical interrupt requests
(SRV_REQ_CI) to the IOP. The SRV_REQ_CI is ORed with the IOP NMI interrupt to create the IOP critical
interrupt input. The SRV_REQ_CI is the MSVRQS flag gated with MSVRQCIE and MSVRQIE. MSVRQS is
the reflection of a free toggle (SRV_REQ_GLUE) and is self clearing.
MSVRQCIE is a write once bit and thus once written, MSVRQCIE will hold its value until the next reset.
Note: The MSYSS needs to be set before an SRV_REQ_CI will be generated.
0 Critical interrupt request disabled (default out of reset)
1 Critical interrupt request enabled
MLB Interface Select. This bit selects between the 3-pin and 5-pin MLB interfaces. Depending on its value,
the SIU_PCR[PA] field routes different signals to the pins. In the 3-pin interface this field allows the MLBDAT,
MLBSIG, MLBCLK, MLBSIG_BUFEN, and MLBDAT_BUFEN signals to be routed to the corresponding pins.
In the 5-pin interface the MLBSI, MLBSO, MLBDI, MLBDO, and MLBCLK signals are routed to the pins.
0 3-pin interface selected (default out of reset)
1 5-pin interface selected
MLBSIG_BUFEN Polarity Select. This bit selects the active polarity for the MLBSIG_BUFEN. If the default
condition (MSBFEPOL=0) is selected, the MLBSIG_BUFEN is driven high when active and low when inactive.
If MSBFEPOL=1, the signal is active low.
0 Active High (default out of reset)
1 Active Low
MLBDAT_BUFEN Polarity Select. This bit selects the active polarity for the MLBDAT_BUFEN. If the default
condition (MDBFEPOL=0) is selected, the MLBDAT_BUFEN is driven high when active and low when inactive.
If MDBFEPOL=1, the signal is active low.
0 Active High (default out of reset)
1 Active Low
Table 33-3. MLB Module Configuration (MLB_MCR) Register Field Descriptions (continued)