Ba�ery Key Posi�ons
1.Familiarize yourself with the key port and ba�ery power
posi�ons before riding the bike. The photo shows the key
port aligned in key posi�on 1, in line with the small lock
icon. In key posi�on 1, the ba�ery is in the “lock” posi�on,
with the ba�ery locked to the frame, and the key removed
so the bike is ready to ride.
2.Any�me the ba�ery is in key posi�on 2, (off, unlocked
from the frame) the ba�ery must be removed from the
bike before moving or riding the bike. Hold the ba�ery
and turn the rotary switch to the right to remove the ba�ery.
Ba�ery Charging Port
Ba�ery Power Bu�on
Ba�ery Removing