Tire Infla�on and Replacement
The Himalaya employs 26"×4"rubber �res with inner tubes. The �res are designed for durability and safety for
regular cycling ac�vi�es and need to be checked before each use for proper infla�on and condi�on. Proper
infla�on, care, and �mely replacement will help ensure that your bike’s opera�onal characteris�cs will be
maintained, and unsafe condi�ons avoided.
For more informa�on on �re or tube replacement procedures, or ques�ons about �re infla�on, visit
or contact Freesky Product Support.
Email: support@freeskycycle.com
Using a�ermarket �res or inner tubes, not provided by Freesky may void your warranty, create an
unsafe riding condi�on, or damage to your bike. If required by law, ensure replacement a�ermarket �res have
sufficient reflec�ve sidewall striping.
When changing a �re or tube, ensure that all air pressure has been removed from the inner tube prior to
removing the �re from the rim. Failure to remove all air pressure from the inner tube could result in serious
Even �res equipped with built-in, flat-preventa�ve �re liners, like those that come with bikes from Freesky,
can and do get flats from punctures, pinches, impact, and other causes. When �re wear becomes evident or
a flat �re is discovered, �res and/or tubes must be replaced before opera�ng the bike or injury to operators
and/or damage to your bike from Freesky could occur.
Inflate your �res from a regulated air source with an available pressure gauge. Infla�ng your �res from
an unregulated air source could overinflate them, resul�ng in a burst �re.
It is cri�cally important that proper air pressure is always maintained in pneuma�c �res. Do not underinflate
or overinflate your �res. Low pressure may result in loss of control, and overinflated �res may burst. Failure to
always maintain the air pressure ra�ng indicated on pneuma�c �res may result in �re and/or wheel failure.
Freesky recommends 30 PSI for the stock �res. Always stay within the manufacturer’s recommended air
pressure range as listed on the �re sidewall.