Wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knots or Beaufort
Wind direction with 360 degrees
Wind chill, dew point and heat index temperature display.
Barometric, weather forecast.
MAX, MIN value with time stamp.
High/ low alarm.
With message panel showing indication of alarms/Min/Max data,
with time stamps
Light and UV index
Save the data when batteries are changed
PC software (require Wi-Fi connection;download the PC softare
from website )
Upload the data to 5 weather server:
customized website(Need to have the same protocol with
wunderground.com or ecowitt.net)
Set up Guide
Before placing and installing all components of the weather station at
their final destination, please set up the display console(receiver) and
outdoor sensor(transmitter) with all parts being nearby for testing the
correct function.
Power up sequence must be performed in the order shown in this