Setting - Ignition
System menu
Automatic ignition
▪ NO: Automatic ignition deactivated
▪ YES: Automatic ignition activated
Start ignition
Determines how ignition takes place
▪ Date and time: see parameter
“Ignition time”
▪ In approx. 15 minutes: Ignition takes place immediately
after “Purge” status.
▪ Ext. release: If the boiler enable contact is closed at the
core module, ignition starts.
▪ Buffer tank min: see parameter
“Ignition time”
▪ Buffer < f.flow: see parameter
“Ignition time”
Ignition time (date - time)
Day (date or daily) and time setting for the start of ignition.
The parameter is only active when the
parameter is set to
“Date and time”
“Buffer tank min”
“Buffer < f.flow”
NOTICE! The specified date must not be more than two
calendar months in the future and not more than two
months in the past!
NOTICE! The boiler status must generally be “Ignition
wait” for ignition to start. Follow the instructions for heating
up with the automatic ignition.
▪ “Date and time” method: Ignition starts at the specified
time exactly. If the parameter is set to
of the date, ignition starts every day at the specified
▪ “Buffer tank min” method: The ignition process starts if
heat is requested from the buffer tank from the specified
time (parameter
“Boiler start if difference
between boiler setpoint and top buffer is
). The period applies from the specified time
until 24:00 h on the specified date. If the specified time
is not subsequently changed and ignition is not
disabled, the buffer tank loading criterion applies daily
from the specified time.
▪ “Buffer < f.flow” method: The maximum flow
temperature required by the system environment (e.g.
heating circuit) is compared with the current buffer tank
temperature from the specified time. If the top buffer
tank temperature falls below the maximum flow
temperature setpoint, the ignition process starts. The
Ignition time (date - time)
period applies from the specified time until 24:00 h on
the specified date. If the specified time is not
subsequently changed and ignition is not disabled, the
start criterion applies daily from the specified time.
Duration of pre-heating
Time during which only the ignition is activated. The fuel
slide-in is not active for this duration.
Maximum ignition duration
Specifies how long the ignition procedure should last.
“Heating” status must be reached within this time.
Infeed time without ignition
Specifies how long fuel is fed in onto the combustion grate
before “Pre-heating” operating status.
Infeed during ignition
Defined fuel slide-in for the “Ignition” status duration.
Duration of preheat
This parameter specifies the duration of “Pre-heating”
status in which the system checks whether there is
firewood in the fuel loading chamber or whether operation
should be continued with pellets.
After firewood operation, delay buffer tank loading with
pellets about
Once the start criterion for the pellet unit has been reached
“Boiler start if difference
between boiler setpoint and top buffer is
), the pellet unit starts after the set delay time.
Factor for feed pulse
Parameter for the calculation of the feed pulse during
ignition. If the oxygen does not drop in the first 900
seconds, a feed pulse with 100% feed rate is started. The
duration of this pulse results from the feed time without
ignition and this factor:
Feed time without ignition / Factor for
feed pulse
Parameters overview
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 |