Network circuit 1…2 flow temperature control
Defines whether there is a specified setpoint for the flow
temperature and which value is used.
▪ None: Pump only switches on and off
▪ Fixed setpoint specification: always uses the same
Network circuit 1…2 flow temperature control
▪ Weather-compensated: Setpoint is modified based on
the outside temperature and the parameters specified
5.1.5 Heating circuit 1... 10
System menu
Heating circuit
Heating circuit 1...10 mode
Defines the function of the heating circuit:
▪ Automatic: The heating circuit is regulated according to
the set programme (heating times, temperature
settings, ...).
▪ Continuous heating: The heating circuit is continuously
in heating mode (24 hrs), the setback mode and the set
heating times are ignored.
▪ Continuous setback mode: The heating circuit is
continuously in setback mode (24 hrs), the heating
mode and the set heating times are ignored.
Heating circuit 1...10 flow temperature at an outside
temperature of +10°C
Defines the desired flow temperature in °C at an outside
temperature of +10°C. Together with the parameter “Flow
temperature at an outside temperature of -10°C”, a heating
curve is defined, with which the flow temperature of the
heating circuit is calculated depending on the outside
External temperature
15 20
Example of
floor heating
Example of
The heating curve was defined with 60°C (at -10°C outside
temperature) and 40°C (at +10°C outside temperature). If
the current outside temperature is -2°C, for example, this
would result in a calculated flow temperature of 52°C. Both
Heating circuit 1...10 flow temperature at an outside
temperature of +10°C
values define the heating curve and are not to be
understood as limit values. With an outside temperature of
-13°C, for example, this would result in a calculated flow
temperature of 63°C.
Heating circuit 1...10 flow temperature at an outside
temperature of -10°C
Defines the desired flow temperature in °C at an outside
temperature of -10°C for calculating the flow temperature
of the heating circuit depending on the outside
temperature. For example, see parameter “Flow
temperature at an outside temperature of +10°C”.
Heating circuit 1...10 max. outside temperature for heating
Heating mode is terminated above the set temperature.
Heating circuit 1...10 temperature reduction at setback
The flow temperature is decreased by this value in setback
Heating circuit 1...10 maximum flow temperature
Maximum temperature in °C for the upper limit of the flow
temperature of the heating circuit. Calculated flow
temperatures, which according to the set heating curve are
higher, are reduced to this value.
Heating circuit 1...10 minimum flow temperature
Minimum temperature in °C for the lower limit of the flow
temperature of the heating circuit. Calculated flow
temperatures, which according to the set heating curve are
lower, are increased to this value.
Heating circuit 1...10 temperature difference between
setpoint and actual value for warning message
If the current flow temperature is lower than the calculated
flow temperature setpoint, a warning is issued.
Menus and parameters
Fröling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 |