5.8.4 Boiler
System menu
System configuration
Maximum possible boiler temperature setpoint
Parameter for setting the maximum boiler temperature
setpoint. The control band always starts at the temperature
value which is set for the “Minimum boiler temperature
setpoint” parameter and can be set up to this maximum
Always shut down over maximum boiler temperature
If the maximum boiler temperature setpoint has been set,
the boiler temperature may rise above the maximum
permitted boiler temperature (by STL), depending on how
the parameter “Shutdown above temperature setpoint” is
set. An upper limit can be set for this parameter to avoid
this, which prevents a boiler temperature > STB (high-limit
thermostat) The parameter serves as a safety function and
limits the value defined by the “Shut down above
temperature se” parameter.
Type of Lambda probe
Setting the Lambda probe type used:
▪ Broadband probe
▪ NTK switching-type sensor
Ash removal combustion chamber installed?
Specifies if an ash screw is
installed in the combustion
chamber below the
combustion grate.
Ash removal heat exchanger installed?
Specifies if the heat
exchanger has controlled
ash removal.
Ash removal combustion chamber active with ash removal
heat exchanger?
Specifies if the ash removal
line section of the
combustion chamber is
activated together with the
ash removal from the heat
exchanger for joint ash
Joint ash removal installed?
Specifies if there is a joint ash line section for multiple
boilers. If the parameter is set to “Yes”, joint ash removal
with ash removal for the boiler is activated.
Number of ash screws for joint ash removal
Specifies how many ash screws are used in joint ash
FGR installed?
Specifies if flue gas
recirculation (FGR) is used.
Pressure measurement available in FGR duct?
Specifies whether a pressure sensor is installed in the
FGR duct.
Secondary FGR installed?
Caution: Not possible with TM 150-250!
If this parameter is set to “No”, then the FGR blower will be
activated by the primary air. If this parameter is activated
when using a boiler that does not feature FGR secondary
air, then problems may occur with controlling the FGR
blower, which in turn will cause further problems in the air
channels. It is therefore very important that this parameter
is set correctly.
Menus and parameters
System configuration
Fröling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com